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みきとP - 「夏の半券」 (Mikito-P - "Natsu no Hanken" / "The Ticket Stub of Summer") Lyrics Translation

Miku Hatsune Mikito-P

For the lyrics to the equally depressing answer song to this tune, click here.

Japanese Romaji English
いつもと違う午前3時 itsumo to chigau gozen san ji A 3AM different from any other.
汗ばむ部屋着を取り替えて asebamu heyagi o torikaete I change my now sweaty dress.
もうダメだって声を枯らす 蝉時雨 mou dame da tte koe o karasu semi shigure Cicadas singing in chorus, "It's no good anymore."
このまま朝を迎えに行こう kono mama asa o mukae ni yukou I wait for dawn to come.
近所を軽くジョギングしよう kinjo o karuku JOGGING shiyou I lightly jog around the neighborhood.
君の真似して朝食は多めにとろう kimi no mane shite choushoku wa oome ni torou I eat a bit more breakfast, trying to imitate you.
離れ離れは どこか新鮮で hanarebanare wa dokoka shinsen de Being separated is somehow new to me,
同じ朝焼けは見れない onaji asayake wa mirenai And I can't see the same red sky of dawn that you see.
"寂しい"とか 男らしくないね sabishii to ka otoko rashikunai ne "Saying 'I'm lonely' is unmanly,"
そうキミに笑われそうさ sou kimi ni warawaresou sa I bet you'd laugh at me and say that.
次の恋はひと回り大人の顔して tsugi no koi wa hitomawari otona no kao shite When we find our own love again, let's take a more mature look on things,
忘れ合おう wasure aou And forget each other.
僕が探すのは言葉だった boku ga sagasu no wa kotoba datta What I was looking for were words.
君がくれたのは気持ちだった kimi ga kureta no wa kimochi datta What you gave me was a feeling.
「沈黙だってあなたなら、平気だよ」って chinmoku datte anata nara heiki da yo tte You said, "I'm sure you'll be fine even if treated with silence."
もしまたいつか どこかで逢えたら moshi mata itsuka dokoka de aetara If ever we get to meet somewhere sometime,
お互いの世界を自慢しよう otagai no sekai o jiman shiyou Let's brag about our own worlds.
そばにいたら近すぎて soba ni itara chikasugite When you're with me, you are too close,
君の大きさが見えなくなった kimi no ookisa ga mienakunatta And I can no longer see how big you really are.
色褪せてく 二人で観た映画の半券 iro aseteku futari de mita eiga no hanken The ticket stub of that movie we watched together will continue to lose color.
そんなに簡単には 君のこと嫌えないけど sonna ni kantan ni wa kimi no koto kiraenai kedo I can't just hate you that easily,
このままでは進めないから kono mama de wa susumenai kara But I can't continue on as we are now,
君のこと嫌えるように 頑張ろう kimi ko koto kiraeru you ni ganbarou So let me try my best to hate you.
"寂しい"とか 男らしくないね sabishii to ka otoko rashikunai ne "Saying 'I'm lonely' is unmanly,"
そうキミに笑われそうさ sou kimi ni warawaresou sa I bet you'd laugh at me and say that.
次の恋はひと回り大人の顔して tsugi no koi wa hitomawari otona no kao shite When we find our own love again, let's take a more mature look on things,
忘れ合おう wasure aou And forget each other.

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