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Composer’s Comment:「Recently, I feel like I haven’t seen stars. I’ll try to walk looking up. Yeah, I’ll do that.」
Lyricist, Composer, Arrangement: Last Note.
Singer: GUMI
Music Video: 明菜
Guitar: Moyashi, Meriken / もやし、メリケン
Bass: Irojiro / 色白
Violin: Teppei / てっぺい
Translator’s Comment: This is one of the first Vocaloid songs I have heard. I always thought this sounded like an anime theme song, and I was recently shocked to discover that it actually is. Well, more like a “character song”, but that doesn’t matter. This is one of the several songs I know that has some really heartwarming lyrics, and no English translation will ever be able to express that better than the original Japanese lyrics. I found the lyrics of this song extremely significant that I recently re-translated this just to improve the quality. When I first translated this, I was around the JLPT N3 level, but now that I’m battling with N1 already, I guess it’s time to retry translating this. I did my best to translate this accurately so that the nuance is kept well even in English. Enjoy :)
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ファインダー越し 雨降りに浮かぶ星に | faindaa koshi amefuri ni ukabu hoshi ni | Those were the days when I tried complaining even just a bit |
ほんの少し弱音とか吐いてみたり | hon no sukoshi yowane toka haite mitari | to the stars that I can see through the telescope beyond a wall of raindrops, |
光同士を指で線繋ぎ | hikari doushi wo yubi de sentsunagi | or drew lines between two points of light with my fingers, |
名前のない星座を創る日々だ | namae no nai seiza wo tsukuru hibi da | and made my own nameless constellations, |
……ひとり | …hitori | …all alone. |
何万何億光年も旅してきたヒカリが こんなに優しいのはどうして? | nan man nan ok-kounen mo tabi shite kita hikari ga konna ni yasashii no wa doushite? | Why is the light that travelled hundreds of millions of light years just to reach me so gentle? |
もしも涙を星屑に変えられたなら | moshimo namida wo hoshikuzu ni kaeraretara | If ever I were able to turn tears into stardust, |
ねぇ、ボクも強くなれるのかな | nee, boku mo tsuyoku nareru no kana? | Would I also be able to become strong? |
にわか雨をようやくやり過ごしたら | niwaka ame wo youyaku yarisugoshitara | When the drizzle finally stopped, |
次の雨がもうそこで待機してた | tsugi no ame ga mou soko de taiki shiteta | the next rain is already waiting around the corner. |
「雨続きのその後は晴れが続くよ!」って | ame tsuzuki no sono ato wa hare ga tsuzuku yo tte | "After continuous rain, there will be continuous sunshine," |
笑って傘をさしてくれた | waratte kasa wo sashite kureta | You said with a smile, and held an umbrella above me |
期待に応えられずに輝けないボクを 眩しそうに見るのはどうして? | kitai ni kotaerarezu ni kagayakenai boku wo mabushisou ni miru no wa doushite? | Why do you look at me as if I'm a blinding flash even when I can't shine if I don't live up to people's expectations? |
太陽みたいに周りを照らしているのは | taiyou mitai ni mawari wo terashite iru no wa | The one who is illuminating the surroundings like the sun, |
ねぇ、気付いているかな | nee, kizuite iru kana | I wonder if you've realized already, |
キミだよ | kimi da yo | is you. |
ありがと、さよなら。 | arigato sayonara | Thank you and goodbye, |
拝啓、泣き虫だったあの頃のボクへ | haikei nakimushi datta ano koro no boku e | to the crybaby which is me of that time. |
願い事ならもう叶ったよ | negai goto nara mou kanatta yo | The wish you’ve been praying for has already been granted. |
いつの間にか雨は上がっていて 今日は星空が綺麗だ | itsu no ma ni ka ame wa agatte ite kyou wa hoshizora ga kirei da | Before I knew it, the rain has stopped, and today, the starry night sky is beautiful. |
なんだか苦しいのはどうして? | nandaka kurushii no wa doushite? | But why is it somewhat painful? |
星像が仄淡く揺らぐ 十六夜シーイング | seizou ga honoawaku yuragu izayoi shiingu | In this stargazing of the night after the full moon where the stars slightly flicker pale, |
ねぇ、ボクは強くなれたのかな? | nee boku wa tsuyoku nareta no kana? | Have I become strong… |
────キミという引力に引かれながら | -–kimi to yuu inryoku ni hikarenagara | …while being attracted by the gravitational force which is you? |
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